About 5 days after we lost Little Girl we lost Johnny. Things are not looking good for the calves but I am not giving up. We are doing everything we can to save them. Sadly the dairy bottle calves are not known for their survive ability. I am however getting a great lesson in animal care and how to doctor calves. Which will pay off exponentially in the future. We have purchased some medicated milk to help with scours and possible pneumonia infection. We are holding out hope that it will be just what the last two calves need to make it and turn the right corner. The last two are older than Little Girl and Johnny and stronger. Both lost their umbilical cords in the last 24 hours. We are suspecting they are about 4 weeks old which increases our chances of saving them. And if for some reason we lose them too, we will know that we did everything we could to save them. And we will try again. Once Pretty Boy and Patches are on feed we will move them to the "bigger" pasture area and try to bring in a couple more bottle babies before the end of the year. We also lost one of our 6 week old chicks yesterday which was sad for my oldest. She was a white polish hen that my oldest had named Blossom. We also found that out of 10 hopeful laying hens, 6 appear to be roosters.... That isn't great odds but we will get a few more pullets (15) in the spring. Chicken math at work.
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