My dreams really came true this week when we purchased 4 bottle calves. One is a heifer so that is amazing. They are all healthy and eating good. We are blessed that our neighbor is a retired veterinarian and he came and checked them all out. Our Little Girl has pink eye but it's already getting better this morning. Doc gave us some ointment to put in this morning and we gave her a shot of antibiotics. Expect many more pictures of the babies growing up :). There are three Holsteins and one Jersey calf. I think we have broken all the rules when it comes to meat animals. We name all of them and love on them LOL. Little Girl is the heifer, she is the one eating in this picture. Next to her with a more white/bald face is Patches. Then there is Johnny (thanks to my oldest) and Pretty Boy is the Jersey. He is actually a friend of ours that she bought, so that what she started calling him last night. I've wanted cows for so long I can't even remember when I didn't want them. That and horses, but we need a barn so it will be a couple more years before horses.
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