We got so much rain in the month of May our pastures are amazing. The goats and chickens are doing great. We have come to the conclusion that the goats and chickens need separate eating areas. And that is ok. We are learning and growing out little farm and we are going to make mistakes and need course corrections. That is part of the fun of having our own farm is making our own mistakes. No one is perfect their first go round. I have to say I wasn't expecting to enjoy the turkeys as much as I do. They are so friendly and silly. I hope next year to get a breeding pair to have around all year instead of just until the holidays :). The kids have named the white turkey Pancake. Very fitting IMO. So we are going to build another pasture for the goats and move them out of the chicken area and remove the fencing from the chickens. They will have free range of the whole yard instead of just the enclosed area that we have initially given them. I think it will prove to be better in the long run. However, things are always bound to change.
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