Probably seems like a silly topic. Everyone needs food and most people go to the local grocery store. However when the closest grocery store is 25-30 miles you have more to consider. Forgot something? It's an hour plus round trip. You probably won't just run in everyday. Unless you have lots of money for gas. So when you need to go to town you plan accordingly. At first it's hard but you get used to it. You plan dr visits in multiple and plan to get groceries the same day. Saves a trip. You make sure you've checked the fridge and pantry so your good at least a week sometimes two depending on plans and cash flow. We live in Texas so along with planning our trips we also have these handy freezer/fridge bags to keep cold things cold. Otherwise when you get stuck in construction and that 30 min drive turns into 45 your milk goes bad :). We also got school supplies today. After this weekend it will all be fairly picked over so better to go now. We love living this far away from the city, just means we have to change how we do things. And someone helped me out when we moved out here with the planning ahead, so I'm passing this information along. There are many things to consider when you move to the country. Not just the daily commute. But if your dream is to escape the rush of the city for the quiet of the country, this is just something to get used to, not something to deter you.
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