Thursday, April 2, 2015


They put up the power pole today including a new meter and a new transformer.  We are so thrilled.  We weren't expecting it to be put in until next week.  Which was fine since we won't move the house until next week sometime.  So looking forward to the house being moved and being done moving.  OR mostly done.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The garden

Things are really moving along now.  We put in most of the new garden including a 6ft fence and gate.  We have moved 5 chickens out there.  We took all four bantams and one full size laying hen, the barred rock speckles.  We may get more this year or wait until next year depending on money.  Everything takes time and money on a farm :).  In case you didn't know.  All 5 fruit trees are doing good, blooming and thriving.  The house should be moved next week and we even fixed up the driveway a bit.  We are so close to the starting line.  We plan to get a few pygmy goats for my birthday so that should be exciting.  I made a cute sign for the garden which you can see in the picture.  Now entering the Seedy part of town.  Cute right.  After I get home from Houston I hope to post more pictures.